« Previous Entries Next Entries »Pollution and the Birds and the Bees (and spiders too) – Another Indictment of Our Handling the Environment
Friday, May 9th, 2008The White House’s recent evisceration of the EPA edict to lower pollution and smog may be another stake in the heart of beekeepers everywhere. Turns out smog and other parts of air pollution may be confusing the bees as well as other pollenators such as moths and bats so they can’t find the flowers. Under […]
Anticholinergic Drugs and Memory Loss – Better Wear Diapers Instead
Friday, April 18th, 2008Incontinence drugs like Detrol, have now been linked to memory problems and other psychological ills. According to this article on, “The people who took the drugs had a 50 percent faster rate of cognitive decline compared to those who didn’t take any.” That is pretty staggering if you ask me. Other drugs in the […]
Another Con Job by the President On Global Warming
Friday, April 18th, 2008I guess if you take the U and the H out of President George Bush’s name you get the two letters that match his rhetoric when it comes to the environment. The nonsense that spews from the White House about Mr. Bush’s “concern” about the environment and the issue of glabal warming is piled so […]
Pharmaceutical Scams Continue
Thursday, April 17th, 2008It just keeps coming it seems, the pharmaceutical industry has stooped to levels even I didn’t think possible. Merck was just found to have paid academic scientists to put their names on papers they didn’t write. Who wrote the papers? Company hired medical writers of course. According to Dr. Catherine DeAngelis, JAMA’s editor-in-chief, “The manipulation […]
Bisphenol A – The Time To Ban Is Now!!!
Wednesday, April 16th, 2008Bisphenol A, a compound found in numerous plastic products has been found to be harmful to the brain and cause damage to reproductive organs in children. It was also found to be mildly estrogenic which can affect the thyroid and other hormonal systems. In my book, Achieving Victory Over a Toxic World, I talk about […]
Connecticut Training – PowerPoint Presentation
Monday, April 14th, 2008For those of you who are interested in laboratory testing related to health, go to my other blog site at and you can download my two presentations done on April 12 and 13, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency in Old Greenwhich, Connecticut.
Diseases and Toxins – The Links are There
Tuesday, April 8th, 2008There is a lot of data out there on the links between disease and environmental toxins. Problem is, there is a LOT of data on the links. Where to go if you need to see how strong the data is? Well look no further than The Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s – CHE Toxicant […]
Blood Pressure Vaccine – Breakthrough or Another Reason to Drop Responsibility?
Monday, March 31st, 2008A new vaccine which helps bind angiotensin (a cause of hypertension) and reduce it to a harmless compound has supposedly shown benefits in reducing hypertension a major cause of stroke and coronary heart disease. Co-author of a study on the vaccine, Martin Bachmann from Cytos Biotechnology in Schlieren, Switzerland say that the vaccine stimulates the immune […]
More Links to Educate You About Your World
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008An addition to my earlier list of great websites to visit if you are interested in making the world a better place to live. EarthPortal – The Earth Portal is a comprehensive resource for timely, objective, science-based information about the environment. It is a means for the global scientific community to come together to produce […]
Links to Help Inform You About How To Achieve Victory Over Our Toxic World
Thursday, March 20th, 2008In my book, Achieving Victory Over a Toxic World, I have a section about links to important websites so you can become better informed about the real issues about our environment. Some are purely educational and provide raw data, others give you tips on how to make your life healthier and less toxic. Today, I […]
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