« Previous Entries Next Entries »Clinical Trial Transparency – A Long Time In Coming
Wednesday, March 19th, 2008Pharmaceutical companies have been under fire recently because data that showed that some of their drugs had significant side-effects or were not as effective as we were told or that they had serious human research protection violations when studied were hidden from the public and even the FDA. The journal Science, recently reviewed a new […]
Weakend Smog Control – Bush Intervenes Yet Again
Monday, March 17th, 2008In another astonishing push of politics over fact and science, President Bush forced the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to weaken the smog standards for cities despite the known need to reduce smog drastically to reduce pollution induced health problems. What this administration is saying is that citizens of America, we are not interested in your […]
The World is Changing – Unfortunately the U.S. isn’t When it Comes to Toxicity
Thursday, March 13th, 2008In a remarkable book written by Mark Schapiro Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What’s at Stake for American Power, he details how the European Union (EU) has supplanted the United States as the leader in the fight against environmental toxicity. On June 1, 2007, the parliament of the EU voted for a […]
More Proof Our Health Care System Needs A Major Overhaul
Wednesday, March 5th, 2008The start of the Reagan Administration in 1981 was supposed to bring us something known as trickle down economics whereby giving large tax breaks to the wealthy and large corporations would trickle down to the rest of us and make our lives better. While I don’t want to get into a political debate here, what […]
Combinational Toxicity – The Toxic Soup Within Our Bodies
Monday, March 3rd, 2008In an article published in the British journal, New Scientist, author Bijal Trivedi reports on how combinations of the toxic effects of the toxins within our bodies can be far greater than the sum of the toxins. Say if the lethality of each of 8 chemical toxicant by themselves was .01 on a scale of 0-5, […]
Don’t Use Nalgene Bottles
Thursday, February 28th, 2008According to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Nalgene bottles will leach the chemical bisphenol A into water at room temperature. I had previously warned people at my lectures to avoid hot water and Nalgene but now it looks like even normal water temperatures will cause leakage. Read this report from the Environmental Working Group.
Antidepressants – Hidden Drug Trials Show Negative Results
Thursday, February 28th, 2008It almost seems to be an everyday issue, but more and more we see how drug trials that don’t show benefits are being either ignored, hidden or modified by the pharmaceutical industry. In a review of the studies on 12 antidepressant drugs, researchers led by Erick H. Turner found that 31% of the studies on […]
Pesticides and Autism – More Data Supporting My View on the Effect of Toxins
Wednesday, February 27th, 2008At the AutismOne conference back in 2005, I was in room #2 talking about the link of multiple toxins and autism. In room #1 was Dr. Rasheed Buttar who was all about mercury. I told my audience that one day, the multiple toxin theory was going to be in room #1 eventually, maybe not with […]
Prozac – A Failure to Heal
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008In an article published in PLoS Medicine by Drs. Kirsch and colleagues shows that the drug Prozac is no better than placebo in treating depression. Given that placebo has no side-effects, this means that Prozac is not only worthless, but dangerous. By including unpublished, negative studies, the authors found out that the drug is a […]
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs are Worthless in Most Cases – Part Three
Monday, February 25th, 2008Before I get into today’s discussion on inflammation, please go to this link put up by Chance News, a group dedicated to reviewing information about the use of statistics in the news. They review the cholesterol news and and the statistics behind it. Go down halfway down the page to see the report. Inflammation. That is the […]
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