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I’m Back – With a Cautionary Tale
By Mark Schauss | April 30, 2010
Sorry to all my loyal readers, it’s been an unusual year fraught with lots of stress. I had to deal with and get rid of all those distractions so I could concentrate on my blogs, podcasts and the like. Now that all that nonsense is over with, I can get back to the work at hand.
On a very somber note, many of you may know about my dear friend and colleague Robert Crayhon and his battle with stage 4 colorectal cancer. Today is Robert’s 49th birthday, hopefully with many more to come. He is one of those truly good people in a world with far too many bad guys out there. He is and remains an amazing educator which is quite obvious while reading his blog site about his battle with cancer.
When I called Robert the day before his surgery, I asked him if there was anything I could do for him. His response, just as I would have expected was that he wanted me to get a colonoscopy. In his hour of need, he still thought about someone else. So, I called my new doctor and set up an appointment so I could get a referral (you know how insurance works) to get one done. It also inspired me to do a podcast about taking care of oneself. And for any of you over the age of 45 (not 50, that is too late for some), go get a colonoscopy.
Robert is also in somewhat of dire straight’s financially. If you can help please go here to make a donation via PayPal.
To all my readers, I have lots of topics to write about and will be posting here regularly. Glad to be back
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