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Wal-Mart Does Something Right – No More Phony Hormones in Their Milk
By Mark Schauss | March 23, 2008
In another victory for our side, retail giant Wal-Mart said it will no longer sell milk from cows given artificial growth hormone. While the FDA which is supposed to protect us, claims there are no problems with growth hormone, common sense and unbiased research says otherwise. Why are young girls maturing at the age of 9? It is not because of a genetic epidemic, it’s because of the overuse of hormones in our food supply.
While I am not a fan of Wal-Mart, I applaud their actions and reiterate my ascertion that we as individuals can make a difference by voting with our wallets (or purses). The reason they gave for making the change? Consumer demand. No million person march, no protests, consumer demand can move this world toward a better place.
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