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FDA Over the Moral Wall
By Mark Schauss | December 18, 2008
In a stunning indictment, the Environmental Working Group, a Washington D.C. pro-environment lobby group, lambasted the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) for a recent uncovered secret document that stretches the imagination. The email that EWG sent out yesterday stunned even a jaded person like me. It read:
“On Friday, December 12, the Environmental Working Group made public internal government documents disclosing the Food and Drug Administration’s secret plans to reverse federal warnings that pregnant women and children limit their fish intake to avoid mercury, a neurotoxin especially dangerous to the fetus and infants.”
I read this and at first, I was so blown away, I couldn’t speak. Then, the anger grew in me to a point of fury. This is infanticide and homocide. First pointed at unborn children, secondly at pregnant women. This is moral terpitude that goes beyond anything this administration has ever done. To put unborn children at risk of neurological damage due to mothers eating mercury laden fish because the government, despite all scientific knowledge to the contrary is a low point which even I cannot fathom. Everytime I think they have reached the bottom of the moral barrel, they amaze me and they go lower. This though, is the true bottom.
There is absolutely no reason for this except to willingly wanting to cause harm to the citizens of the United States of America. This is an act as henious as the attacks of September 11th, 2001. The vaccinations that were laden with the mercury compound thimerasol damaging thousands and thousands of children were one case of wanton carnage. This is another. My hope is the incoming administration will prosecute these people.
Go over to my podcast site later today, to hear my latest rant about this important issue.
Topics: autism, brain nutrition, Environment, Food, Health, heavy metals, Life, Mercury, Neurological Disorders, Opinion, Politics, Research, Toxicity | No Comments »