The Deceit Just Keeps Getting Deeper
By Mark Schauss | February 15, 2008
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any lower, it does. A report published on the Nature magazine website claims that Dr. Steven M. Haffner of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, forwarded a report to drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline warning them about a paper that was about to be published by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) critical of their blockbuster (blockbuster meaning big money maker) drug Avandia. He was supposed to be reviewing the paper and it is highly unethical and against NEJM rules to let anyone else see a paper being reviewed.
To see the full extent of the problem, go to this link at the New York Times. My question is, when do we put a stop to this unbridled greed and deceit?
Topics: Drugs, Health, Opinion | No Comments »
Another Source of Lead – Lipstick
By Mark Schauss | February 14, 2008
Just when you thought the lead news couldn’t get any worse, it does. Women need to be aware that their lipstick may contain unacceptable levels of the neurotoxin, lead. In a report from The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, over 61% of all the lipstick brands out there contained lead. The industry and their spokespeople use the age old excuse that “lead is naturally occuring” instead of recalling their products and vowing to never allow their products to contain lead.
What is disturbing is that children who innocently play with lipstick can ingest levels of lead that can lead to brain damage that may not be able to be reversed. There needs to be tighter restrictions on lead in products as well as other heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. Also, industry has to step up and take some damn responsibility instead of acting like a kid who accidentally broke the cookie jar and blames it on the dog.
Topics: Environment, Health, Toxicity | No Comments »
Perchlorates and Iodine – Another Reason to Ban this Substance
By Mark Schauss | February 14, 2008
Turns out that the molecular pump that drives iodine also does the same to the toxic chemical perchlorate. Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, led by Dr. Nancy Carrasco, found that perchlorate does double damage to lactating mothers and their babies because the chemical depletes the child of much needed iodine.
This finding is proof that perchlorates (found in jet engine fuel) is more dangerous than the industry admits. Isn’t that how it always works?
Since perchlorate is unavoidable, it is yet another reason to make sure you get adequate amounts of iodine in your diet or at least take a supplement (75 mcg should do for healthy people). Better yet, get tested. Doctor’s Data has a great iodine challenge test that everyone should get at least once every five years.
Topics: Environment, Health, Laboratory Tests, Toxicity | No Comments »
A Win For The Good Guys – Phthalates Being Banned in California
By Mark Schauss | February 13, 2008
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a ban on the use of the common toxin and plasticizer phthalates from being used in any product that would come in contact with children under the age of 3. This hormone disruptor is showing up in urine samples of way too many people and has already been shown to damage DNA in male sperm, cause shortening of pregnancies, depression of testosterone in men, possibly causing insulin resistance and obesity. While this is a good first step, more needs to be done.
While banning a toxin like this is important, educating the public is more important. We are constantly being bombarded by thousands of chemicals each day with the only reassurance being given coming from the poison makers themselves.
Phthalate users and manufacturers would have you believe that their products are safe and there are no health problems associated with their use but independent researchers would beg to differ. If you want more information about this issue go to either the Environmental Working Group’s website or to the journal Environmental Health Perspectives and search for phthalates. You may never use plastics the same way ever again but you will be protecting your health.
Topics: Environment, Health, Toxicity, Websites | No Comments »
Toxic Toys – Find Out Which Are Safe, Which Are Not
By Mark Schauss | February 13, 2008
Toxic toys have been in the news and most parents are rightfully paranoid about the safety of their child’s play things. The non-profit Ecology Center launched a website called the Consumer Action Guide to Toxic Chemicals in Toys. You can nominate toys for testing as well.
Currently, each toy gets an overall rating as well as a separate rating for 5 chemicals – lead, chromium, chlorine/PVC, arsenic, and mercury. Also, if toxic chemicals like tin, antimony, chromium, and bromine are found in higher than normal levels (over 100 part per million) they are reported as well.
This website serves as another great resource for consumers and parents.
Topics: Environment, Health, Toxicity, Websites | No Comments »
Update on Tasya – Seizures, Health, Behavior and Mood
By Mark Schauss | February 12, 2008
It’s about time I updated everyone on my soon to be 12-year old daughter, Tasya. As anyone who has read my book knows, she has a rare and as of yet, uncatergorized form of epilepsy that was so severe at one time, we thought that either she would die of it or become severely retarded by the age of 11 or 12. I am very happy to report that despite the doom and gloom that seemed to follow her 3 years ago, she is now doing better now than she has at anytime since her seizures began back in 1999.
So what have we been doing to help her so much? Well, aside for the diet and avoiding crappy foods, aspartame, MSG and the foods on her LEAP test that cause inflammatory responses, we added two key nutrients from our previous regimen. The first was Glycerophosphocholine also known as GPC and PS Omega Synergy, both from the company I now work for, Crayhon Research. GPC is a great phospholipid that has been shown in numerous clinical trials to be beneficial to people who have suffered strokes as well as restoring memory and concentration in both young and older individuals. Concentration issues were a major problem for Tasya so we asked Dr. Kidd what the dosage should be and his suggestion was 300 mg per day, always in the morning. I can honestly report that her concentration has markedly since starting on a regular regimen of GPC.
The second nutrient PS Omega Synergy which is a combination of Phosphatidylserine and two Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), has made a truly profound change in her mood, social skills and helped to lower the number of seizures she has to almost nothing. This is the best seizure control that she has had ever since they started in October of 1999. Her classmates have noticed a difference, her teachers have and we have. She is less likely to lose her temper, she has exhibited a wider range of emotions than ever before and has started to get excited about things that normally wouldn’t have moved her off the couch. PS Omega Synergy was the right nutrient at the right time for Tasya.
Is this the answer for others? I can’t say that honestly. Did it make that much of a difference with Tasya? That and more. We have a predominantly seizure free child for the first time in years. Even her neurologist had a smile on his face yesterday when Tasya and my wife Hillary visited him. He decided that instead of the every four month visit, we could extend it to every six months.
Topics: Epilepsy, Laboratory Tests, Supplements | 1 Comment »